Stay up-to-date with all things Brown. Except the one brown thing you're thinking of right now... Sicko!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Things are never boring around here, and this week was no exception.
I've been working part-time at Target for the last 6 weeks while the kids are at school, but with my health issues it's been a struggle. I've also been having problems with my right knee lately, and I wasn't sure if it was connected to my CFS. I finally went to the doctor yesterday, and he thinks it's a totally separate issue; probably some damage or tearing to the cartilage, requiring a specialist and probably surgery. Which makes being on my feet for seven hours at Target a little more interesting.
Thankfully, Jamie and I have been talking with a pastor here in town about possible part-time positions. Jamie actually called him for ideas of churches in town who might be hiring a part-time worship leader, thinking that if he did that, I could quit Target. Not only was that church looking at hiring some people for worship, they were also looking for an administrative assistant to work from home!
After a couple of interviews and some fervent prayers, I was just offered the administrative assistant job this evening. We're meeting with Greg (the pastor) tomorrow for more discussion, and I'll be giving notice at Target on Friday!!!
The church is called Rivertree, and they have a website if you want to check it out.
No pictures this time - I guess I could scan my knee xrays or add a picture of my elastic brace, but my previous medical pictures didn't go over so well, so I'll spare you all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Emma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry I didn't call today. Your card's in the mail.

8:13 PM


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