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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Moving Again - No, It's Not A Joke

No pictures this time, just an FYI: our landlords, who had left this house to move to Texas, have come back to Lincoln and need their house back! Although we do have a lease until November 1, they've offered us a free month's rent plus our full security deposit back, so we decided to go ahead and move now instead of fighting it. We're currently exploring our options, but will most likely find another rental - our sixth! - in Lincoln to move into by April 1. We're very sad, because we love this house and we've put a lot of work into it, but we're hoping something better is around the corner. So let us know if you have free time March 30 and 31!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's ridiculous, i can't believe they're moving back. not much you can do i guess, but it still sucks. especially after all the work you guys have put into that place and the big plans and memories already put into it. i'm definitely praying for you guys, and miss you all alot. i wish i was going to be there to help you move. take care guys, God's hearing it from across the ocean too! love ya'll...

7:13 PM


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