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Sunday, July 01, 2007

Omaha Zoo!

Emma's Girl Scout troop had an overnight at the Omaha Zoo Friday night, and she and I got to go! We got to walk around the zoo at night with 60 other Girl Scouts, sleep on the floor in the aquarium, and visit some inside exhibits in the morning! Saturday Jamie, Eli and Mickie, plus our friends Ted, Andrea, and Tanner met us at the Zoo for the day! Our camera died before I got any pictures, but luckily Andrea is a photophile, and she emailed us some of the pictures from the day! We're all exhausted, but it was a super day!

The 3-D glasses were from the IMAX movie.


Blogger Stoop'n said...

was the omaha zoo really cool? my brother and his kids love that zoo, they say it's really great!! maybe we'll get to take carson there someday!! it looks like you guys had a great time!!!! talk to you katie

9:52 AM


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