Pictures, finally!!!!

Still haven't found our camera, but our friends were nice enough to let us take a couple of pictures with their camera this weekend!
So the new 'addition' mentioned in an earlier post is my new tattoo!! My friend Andrea got her first one about a week before we moved, and I had to get one with her! Jamie designed this cross made up of the kids' birthstones (sapphire, emerald, tanzanite) and mine (emerald) on the bottom. I love it!
Also - Mickie had a haircut! We hated to do it, but her hair is so fine it kept getting tangled and ratty, so we had about 6 inches chopped off! She looks beautiful, and so much older with her shorter hair! Hard to believe she's almost four!
Medically, I'm still searching. I had an MRI on Thursday, and the results were clean. My primary care doctor is sending me to an infectious disease specialist and a neurologist, and meanwhile I'm trying to rest as much as possible. Not too easy!
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