Saturday was Eli's Lord of the Rings birthday party! Eleven of his friends from school came out to our house for an adventure!! Here's the volcano cake:

You can't see it very well, but the bottom layer is green frosted with a blue river. The 'volcano' is chocolate cake and lava, decorated with three LOTR characters. It wasn't perfect, but Eli liked it!!
After the kids showed up, they each decorated a loot bag to carry for the afternoon. We played
ring toss (of course) and then went on a treasure hunt. After they found the treasures, everybody came inside for a snack and a drink.

After the snack break, Jamie took the whole crew on a Quest in the forest. They used their imaginations to find the artifacts and defeat the bad guys! Then Eli opened presents.

While we waited for the parents to come, Jamie entertained the crowd as usual with his amazing balloon skills. Most kids went home with balloon swords and helmets, plus a few challenged him to make axes and bows!