Stay up-to-date with all things Brown. Except the one brown thing you're thinking of right now... Sicko!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Last Day of School!!!

Here are Emma and Eli going down to the bus for the last time!!!
Walking down the lane to the bus!!

We're all ready for summer!! Next year they'll go to the same school (along with Mickie) but they won't be bussed anymore, and since we found out we'll be moving in June, we'll definitely be taking them every day. The bus has been great, but we won't miss the super early mornings!!!

A Stormy Night

We've been having a lot of stormy weather lately, and last night we lost electricity for the second time this week. The kids slept downstairs with us in the living room.
We lost a lot of tree branches with the winds!!

Eli's Birthday Castle

Eli saved all of his birthday money this year to buy this huge Lego castle that he's been wanting for a couple of years now! It took a couple of weeks, but he and Jamie finally got it put together!!

Eli's First Grade Picnic

Eli's first grade class had an end-of -the-school-year picnic yesterday, and Mickie and I joined them.

Eli playing with his friends.

Eli and his friend Sid playing Lord of the Rings.

Memorial Day Get-Together

On Memorial Day afternoon, we hung out with some friends at Ted and Andrea's. Here are the kids playing Wii Bowling.
John squeezed into the kiddie chair.

Julie and Mickie bowling.

Ted and Andrea's new basement! They're playing Tiger Woods on the 60" TV and the PS3.

My Birthday Party

Last Thursday was my birthday, and we invited a bunch of our friends to see the fourth Indiana Jones with us. Here's me with our internet tickets.
Fortunately, though, there wasn't much of a rush to see the movie, so we could have waited and bought our tickets there.

Then we came back to our house and ate pizza and every sugary thing I haven't eaten in a year.

Andrea is hugely pregnant.

Tyler and Sinjhen.

Jamie and Trevor.

The party was fun, although I suffered the consequences of the binging for several days.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Eli's Lord of the Rings Birthday Party!!

Saturday was Eli's Lord of the Rings birthday party! Eleven of his friends from school came out to our house for an adventure!! Here's the volcano cake:
You can't see it very well, but the bottom layer is green frosted with a blue river. The 'volcano' is chocolate cake and lava, decorated with three LOTR characters. It wasn't perfect, but Eli liked it!!

After the kids showed up, they each decorated a loot bag to carry for the afternoon. We played ring toss (of course) and then went on a treasure hunt. After they found the treasures, everybody came inside for a snack and a drink.

After the snack break, Jamie took the whole crew on a Quest in the forest. They used their imaginations to find the artifacts and defeat the bad guys! Then Eli opened presents.

While we waited for the parents to come, Jamie entertained the crowd as usual with his amazing balloon skills. Most kids went home with balloon swords and helmets, plus a few challenged him to make axes and bows!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Renaissance Faire

On Sunday, we celebrated Eli's eighth birthday and Mother's Day by going to the Omaha Renaissance Faire! Mom and Dad came with us.

Here are Emma and Eli in their Mommy-made costumes.A peasant and two fairies!!

Emma ponders her journal entry.
Faire atmosphere.
All tuckered out after a long day in the Middle Ages!!

Jamie - Cleaned Up

On Saturday, Jamie and I sang in a wedding at the church Jamie used to work at. Doesn't he look nice??

Preschool Mother's Tea

Last Friday was the Mother's Tea at Micayla's preschool. They sang a song, had snacks, and we all got to plant flowers in the memorial butterfly garden!!

Friday, May 02, 2008

More Medical Fun!

Last night we were cleaning our house to get ready for a visit from Jamie's parents. I had reached between a mirror that was cracked in two and was leaning up against a bookcase and the bookcase, and the top half of the mirror fell and slashed my thumb open! Jamie rushed me to urgent care, where they gave me 5 stitches! Impressively, we didn't even get any blood on the carpet! It was not a fun experience, but at least I'm off the hook for dish duty for ten days. And, it sounds sick, but it was a little gratifying to go to the doctor and have something ACTUALLY be wrong with me! So here are the disgusting pictures.