Stay up-to-date with all things Brown. Except the one brown thing you're thinking of right now... Sicko!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Party Videos

Here's Mickie opening presents at her party. It's long, though.

Micayla's Fifth Birthday!!!

Birthday number 5 is a big one at our house, because before age 5, the kids aren't - technically - allowed to chew gum. Mickie has been looking forward to this milestone since she was 2 and a half, so her birthday party theme this year was Princess Bubble Gum - evidenced by the decorations on her birthday cake.
That's Bubble Tape along the hem.

We had her birthday party at a great place in town called Lost In Fun. Very good pizza.

We added a pinata to our party package - the thing was almost as big as Mickie!
Left to Rigth - Hollie, Micayla, Emma, Hannah, Eli, Tanner.

Playing with bubbles.

The ball pit.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Trip to KC

Last weekend we went to Kansas City to visit our friends Aaron & Julie, and Jamie led worship at a service they were holding. We got to see the logo Jamie designed for their new gas station!

It was very cool to see it in real life!!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Picking Strawberries!!!

On the way to the berry farm - our fifth year!!!

Walking out to the berry patch.

I love this picture!

After picking our fill.

Heading towards the car - the strawberries are delicious!!

New Baby Larsen!!

Our best friends, Ted and Andrea, welcomed their second son Tyler Michael on Wednesday! Thursday night we went to visit them.

Emma's Virtual Vacation

Everything You Wanted to Know About Egypt

Emma took a week-long class on iMovie this week. She had a fabulous time, and she came home today with her own movie! Check it out.