Friday, October 31, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
So You Think You Can Navigate Around Kansas City?
My friend Andrea and I celebrated her October birthday with a two-day Kansas City trip! We left Wednesday morning and shopped at the Great Mall, then went to our hotel.
Wednesday night we went to So You Think You Can Dance Live on tour at the Sprint Center!
This is us (and baby Tyler) getting ready to go in to the show.
After wandering around downtown Kansas City at night, we finally made it to Denny's.
On Thursday, we had an amazing - and ill-advised - lunch at The Cheesecake Factory, which of course included cheesecake. Not sugar free cheesecake.
I'm still recovering from the walking and the sugar - but the show was awesome! We had a great time and can't wait until next year.
And yes, I cut off my hair.
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Last Night . . . .
We ate pizza and hung out with our friends last night, and apparently the kids were exhausted! Micayla fell asleep IN her Hannah Montana laundry hamper.
And Jamie tried to wake Eli up enough to see the huge pile of Bakugans that he was given, but even dumping them on him didn't work.
Eli and Jamie went to a Bakugan tournament at Toys R Us today! He was much more excited this morning after a good night's sleep.