Stay up-to-date with all things Brown. Except the one brown thing you're thinking of right now... Sicko!

Saturday, November 08, 2008

I Wish I Was Special . . . .

Eli seems to have inherited a bit of talent from his father, and he loves to show off on Rock Band (our friend Ted has it). Here's Eli singing 'Creep' with all his heart (please excuse the occasional 'hell').

Saturday, November 01, 2008


Emma looked EXACTLY like Hermione!!!

Micayla actually knows some of the Hannah Montana songs. Impressive, or frightening?

Eli's costume didn't exactly turn out the way we wanted it to. He's a Dragonoid Bakugan, transformed, so the bottom half is still the round circle, and top (his arms) are part of the Dragonoid figure.
It actually only lasted about half the night. By the time we got to Chipotle, he was upset, so we ripped off the pillows and he was perfectly fine as a kid in a red sweatsuit with the word "Bakugan" on his hat.
Our trick-or-treaters. I wonder how much longer they'll let us do this . . . .