Stay up-to-date with all things Brown. Except the one brown thing you're thinking of right now... Sicko!

Wednesday, December 31, 2008


The kids and some of their cousins at Grandma and Grandpa's!!

What Santa Left .. .

Micayla's Hannah Montana Christmas . . .

Eli's guitar - just like Dad's!!

Emma's popcorn machine!!

Christmas Eve

The kids wore their Christmas outfits for our Christmas Eve service!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Micayla 5.5

The other day I happened to mention to Mickie that the 16th of December is her half birthday - she was so excited!! She was hoping for presents and a party, but we settled for (half) a cake.

We even put 5 and a half candles on it!!! She's so grown up for 5 and a half!!!

By the way, she has bronchitis, but she's on antibiotics and is getting better!!!!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Love God, Love People

Last night we put up our custom design from Uppercase Living!! It's a vinyl decorative saying that sticks on the wall until we pull it down!! We're very excited.

Poor Mickie!!

Mickie has been coughing for a couple of weeks, but today it got worse. We're taking her to the doctor tomorrow, but tonight she crashed on the green chair! She's been wearing a stocking cap 24/7 for the past few days - just like Daddy!!

Better Videos

Sorry . . .

Okay, so the videos I chose for Eli's Family Night were not good choices - I'll get some more up today.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Family Night - The Gym

After the singing, we all went to the gym for some hula hooping and some 50's dancing.

Family Night Part 2

Eli's 50's Family Night

Eli's class had a 50's Family Night a couple of weeks ago - it just took us a while to post the videos.

Emma's Concert, - Public Speaking

Band Concert, Part 2

Emma's Band Concert, Part 1

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Last Thursday was Emma's first band concert!! They played several different kinds of songs; we'll put the concert on here soon.

She was the only one to get flowers after the concert!!Getting ready to play the French Horn.
Doesn't she look beautiful??

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Poor Eli!!

Eli started complaining about pain in his cheek yesterday morning at school, and by last night he looked like half a chipmunk and was delirious!! So Jamie took him to the ER and they gave him antibiotics for an abcessed tooth! He gets to stay home from school until Monday, take antibiotics for 7 days and have the tooth pulled on Wednesday. He's feeling a little better now, but he still has a huge cheek!!!

Don't you just want to hug him?