Stay up-to-date with all things Brown. Except the one brown thing you're thinking of right now... Sicko!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Children's Museum

We spent Micayla's birthday morning at the Children's Museum!!

Micayla's birthday cupcake face!!

Piloting a jet!

Micayla's Birthday

Mickie opens her Hannah Montana styling head.

Emma gets a computer game.

Eli's new chess game!
Turning six!!

The Brown Jammery, Est. 2003

After picking fifteen pounds of strawberries on Sunday, we had a lot of jam to make!

The kids love to squoosh the strawberries, and the jam is delicious!!!

Strawberry Picking!!

This was our sixth year picking strawberries at the Roca Berry Patch!! This year we took some friends with us!

Josh & Sara, Mickie, Jamie, Eli & Emma

Riding out to the patch!

Micayla's Birthday Party

Micayla's birthday party was at the Animal Creation Station at Hobbytown USA! All the kids got to pick out a stuffed animal to make, and an outfit!!

Devaya, Kylie, Micayla, Dendae, and Emma

The teddy bear cupcake cake!!!