Stay up-to-date with all things Brown. Except the one brown thing you're thinking of right now... Sicko!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Pictures, finally!!!!

Still haven't found our camera, but our friends were nice enough to let us take a couple of pictures with their camera this weekend!
So the new 'addition' mentioned in an earlier post is my new tattoo!! My friend Andrea got her first one about a week before we moved, and I had to get one with her! Jamie designed this cross made up of the kids' birthstones (sapphire, emerald, tanzanite) and mine (emerald) on the bottom. I love it!

Also - Mickie had a haircut! We hated to do it, but her hair is so fine it kept getting tangled and ratty, so we had about 6 inches chopped off! She looks beautiful, and so much older with her shorter hair! Hard to believe she's almost four!

Medically, I'm still searching. I had an MRI on Thursday, and the results were clean. My primary care doctor is sending me to an infectious disease specialist and a neurologist, and meanwhile I'm trying to rest as much as possible. Not too easy!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Many, Many Updates - but no pictures

Okay, a ton has happened since my last post, but I can't find the digital camera, so NO PICTURES! Sorry.
First of all, we're moved! We're now official Fairbury residents (we even joined the movie theater boycott to prove it!). The stuff got moved on Saturday, and we've spent the last few days getting things organized. There are only a few boxes left to be moved out of the living room - on to the garage! Lots to do in there still. We finally got our internet hooked up today (obviously) so I'm feeling human again.
Speaking of feeling human, I got some test results back on Tuesday that were very reassuring. After going to two doctors and a therapist, plus being on $70 a month antidepressants for 8 days, I finally have a direction to go in search of health. The first doctor was convinced I was depressed, even after the therapist disagreed. She told me to stay on the medication that was making me worse for three months. I went to a different doctor for a 2nd opinion, and he did more tests. He agreed with the therapist that I wasn't depressed, and told me on voice mail Tuesday that although most of my tests were normal (phew!) the Epstein-Barre numbers were a little off. This test tells whether or not someone has had mono, which is about the only connection they've found so far to explain Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Normal Epstein-Barre numbers are around 99 - mine are over 1,000! So - either I've had mono, and still have it - which would explain my symptoms - or the exposure to it has made me more susceptible to CFS. The only difference is that mono goes away - so here's hoping! I haven't had the other normal mono symptoms, though; fever, swollen glands, etc. And I'm a little old (the normal age range ends at 24). We may still do the MRI to rule out neurological problems (like MS) but it is great to know that something's actually wrong with me!!! That sounds stupid, but you know what I mean.
The kids are all well - I'll post pictures of their Palm Sunday outfits (the children's choir sang at our church on PS) as soon as I get them.
Jamie is currently commuting to Lincoln - he has an important phone call this afternoon, and tomorrow we're heading to Omaha to help with a Good Friday service. Our cars are getting lots of exercise!
Okay, will add pics later (especially of a new addition!).